Broke Bih

Broke Bih

Broke Bih!

“You ain’t making no money here at the bank Meme!” These words stung like hell. Because I thought the position I’m in, I was doing well for myself. I was offended, to say the least when these words came from the lips of a man who uttered this to me. However those who know me, know that I gathered his entire life real quick because who are you calling broke in so few words?!? Not me! I think I’m doing damn good for myself. And why are you counting my pockets anyway? Mind the business that pays you, sir! Carry on. *inserts mean mug and hair flip*

That comment bothered me days later. I couldn’t shake the feeling. He had some nerve. Calling me broke and playing in my face like that. Insulted was an understatement. I sat with those feelings for a few days and then something clicked. I replayed the conversation again from a different space. And then an “ah ha” moment happened. This may sound crazy, to some . But it made sense to me though. Which is all that matters.

“You ain’t making no money here at the bank Meme!” He was right, I’m not. Not what I’m worth! I’m worth more than what I’m getting. I have two degrees and some years of experience. There is no way I should be in the position I’m in now making what I am now. Naw SIS, you’re worth more than that. You’re an asset, a valuable asset at that with a wealth of knowledge. Stop letting these people “Lil Bow Wow,” you and play in your face like you ain’t that bish!

So I decided from that moment on to step out on faith and pursue the things that I desire. Entrepreneurship is something that crossed my mind several times in the past and currently. So I’ve decided that’s the route I’m going to take. *put on my big girl britches and red lip* Bossing up in a major way baybay!

Broke Bih energy isn’t in my vocabulary. It doesn’t reside here. I’m worth it! The lifestyle that I’m creating for myself is a luxurious lifestyle. One where I am financially free, stable, secure, and wealthy. Leaving a legacy behind for my niece, and godchildren.

So thank you sir for recognizing my worth and putting the fire behind me leaving the Broke Bih mentality and embracing Wealthy Bih vibes. I see you Micaela and they do too!

Stay tuned…All Things Micaela is taking off NOW!

P.S. i love you 💜

#BrokeBih #WealthyBih #LuxuryLifeStyle #Entrepreneuer #BusinessWoman #BlackGirlMagic #Pressure #ImOnOne #Podcaster #GoldenOnTheyNecks #Blogger #Writer #Author #ContentCreator #BlackGirlMagic #MLG #micaelalivingwithgratitude #NotesToMySisters #fyp

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MLG-Micaela Living with Gratitude

Life. Mental Health. Love. Healing